Browse Museums

Agua Mansa Pioneer Cemetery
Colton, California


The only remaining evidence of the largest settlement between Santa Fe, New Mexico and Los Angeles in 1840. The site includes a cemetery and reconstructed chapel with museum displays. California Historic Landmark #121.

Allegheny Cemetery Historical Association
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Arlington Historical Society
Arlington, Massachusetts

Cemetery, Historical Society, Library

The Arlington Historical Society promotes and encourages knowledge of the history of the Town of Arlington from its earliest days (1635) to modern times. We preserve, document, and share Arlington history through exhibits at the Smith Museum, through conserving and offering tours of the Jason Russell House, an eighteenth century home and Revolutionary War battle site, and by hosting a yearly lecture series, school group visits, and academic and family researchers. We recently opened an exhibition, "Family Ties: 200 Years of Arlington Town Life" to celebrate our town's 200th Anniversary.

Avoca Museum and Historical Society
Altavista, Virginia

Arboretum, Cemetery, Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Military, Park

Avoca, the principal architectural landmark of the Town of Altavista, is an American Queen Anne-style house, designed by architect J.M.B. Lewis and built in 1901. Designated a Virginia Historic Landmark and listed in the National Register of Historic Places, Avoca is the home site of Revolutionary Patriot Colonel Charles Lynch.

Barrow County Museum
Winder, Georgia

Archaeology, Cemetery, Culture, General, History, Historical Society, Library, Military

The old Barrow County jail now serves as the headquarters of the Barrow County Historical Society and Museum. Visitors to the Museum will discover interesting tidbits of the county history effectively displayed. Located behind the original Barrow County Courthouse.

Becker County Historical Society's Museum and Library
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Cemetery, Historical Society, Library

In 1882, the citizens of Becker County recognized the need for preservation of the history of their community. The result was the Pioneer Settlers Union. The group, comprised of many of our founding residents, actively worked to preserve the history of their burgeoning community as it was happening. In 1924, this organization was renamed the Becker County Historical Society, but the mission stayed the same -- To preserve and communicate the history of Becker County and its people to all generations.

Big Black Creek Historical
Denmark, Tennessee

Cemetery, Church, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Park

The Big Black Creek Historical Association, Inc. was formed to identify, preserve, and promote historical and cultural sites within eastern Haywood and western Madison Counties in Tennessee including the communities of Denmark, Leighton, Mercer, and Woodland. Restoration of the Denmark Presbyterian Church is underway with a grant from the Tennessee Department of Transportation and Madison County. Neglected family cemeteries are being restored and readings published for genealogists searching for family roots. A driving tour is being developed, and guided tours are available on request. Originally settled by farmers looking for better land to grow cotton, many farms have remained in the same family over 100 years.

Bixby Historical Society
Bixby, Oklahoma

Cemetery, Church, General, History, Historical Society

Boise Basin Museum
Idaho City, Idaho

Cemetery, Church, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Park

frontier memorabilia

Bureau County Genealogical Society
Princeton, Illinois

Cemetery, Church, Culture, History, Historical Society, Library

We are here to help you gather and preserve historical and genealogical information for you and your family.

Alfalfa County Museum & Historical Society
Cherokee, Oklahoma

Cemetery, Culture, General, Historical Society, Library

Family Histories, Alfalfa County History Book, Alfalfa County Cemetery Book, Pictures. The Historical Society has a Microfilm Reader/Printer located at the museum. Limited Obituaries of Alfalfa County Deaths.

Anson Historical Society
Anson, Maine

Cemetery, History, Historical Society

Established in 2000

Autauga County Heritage Association
Prattville, Alabama

Archaeology, Cemetery, Church, Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Military

The Autauga County Heritage Association is a group of people who share a common interest in the history of Autauga County, who strive to create historical interest and educate the community about the benefits of preservation and the significance of our own heritage.

Bacon's Castle
Surry, Virginia

Archaeology, Botanical Garden, Cemetery, Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Park

Bacon’s Castle was originally home to a prosperous planter, Arthur Allen, and his family. Following Allen’s death, the house was inherited by his son, Major Arthur Allen II. A loyalist supporter of the colonial government and member of the House of Burgesses, Major Allen was driven from his house in 1676 by followers of the patriot rebel Nathaniel Bacon, whose uprising later came to be known as Bacon’s Rebellion. The episode later gave Bacon’s Castle its name though the house remained in the Allen family until 1844.

Baxter County Heritage Museum
Gassville, Arkansas

Cemetery, Church, Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Military

Bentonville Battleground State Historic Site
Four Oaks, North Carolina

Cemetery, History, Historic House, Military

Birmingham Historical Museum & Park
Birmingham, Michigan

Cemetery, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Park

The Birmingham Historical Museum features the 1822 John West Hunter House and the 1928 Allen House. These historic buildings sit side-by-side in the beautiful John West Hunter Historic Park near downtown.

The mission of the museum, which opened in May 2001, is to preserve, protect and promote the community's unique heritage. A primary focus of the Museum is to expand educational programs for area schools.

A glimpse of life in Birmingham's pioneering years comes to life when visitors step inside and stroll through the furnished rooms of the 1822 John West Hunter House. The period of 1820-1880's is well represented by the house's furnishings.

Blooming Grove Historical Society
Cogan Station, Pennsylvania

Cemetery, Church, Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

Brownsville Historical Association
Brownsville, Texas

Cemetery, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

The Brownsville Historical Association is a multi-site organization dedicated to the preservation of Brownsville's history and culture. The BHA oversees six different sites: The Brownsville Heritage Complex (the Brownsville Heritage Museum and the Stillman House Museum), the Old City Cemetery and its Center, Market Square Research Center, and the Historic Alonso Building.

Burnett County Histoical Society
Danbury, Wisconsin

Cemetery, Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Military, Park

The Burnett County Historical Society is located at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park - an 80 acre site with an authentic, restored 1802-1804 Fur Post and a Woodland Indian Village. The Society manages the Historic Site as well as a History Library, restored 1800 school house and soon a logging museum.


March 29 - 31, 2025

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens


Athens, Ohio

March 30 - 31, 2025

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference


Raleigh, North Carolina

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

Historic Washington State Park

Washington, Arkansas

April 5 - 8, 2025

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

Ithaca Downtown Conference Center

Ithaca, New York

April 6 - 8, 2025

Nebraska Museum Association 2025 Conference

Hosted by the Knight Museum in Alliance, Nebraska

United States



03/27 A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery

Fort Pierce, Florida

Museum Associations

03/27 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida