Museums inxx:

Elkins Park, Pennsylvania

103rd Engineers
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


1st Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Abington Art Center
Jenkintown, Pennsylvania


American Catholic Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historical Society

American Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historical Society

American Women's Heritage Society, Belmont Mansion
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historic House

Atwater Kent Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Barnes Foundation
Merion, Pennsylvania

Bertolet Meeting House and Burial Ground
Jenkintown, Pennsylvania


Camden County Historical Society
Camden, New Jersey

History, Historic House, Historical Society

The Camden County Historical Society is comprised of three unique facilities that serve the community as well as genealogists and historians. The Society's Library contains over 20,000 volumes on local history; in addition the collection includes maps, photo's postcards; blue prints, manuscripts, newpapers and much, much more; Pomona Hall is an 18th Quaker mansion built by a prominent Camden County Family, the Cooper's. The mansion is authentically reproduced to reflect how the family would have lived in the 18th century.

Chestnut Hill Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Botanical Garden, Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Park

Chestnut Hill, located in the northwestern corner of Philadelphia, is one of the region's most beautiful and architecturally distinguished communities. Flanked by the spectacular Wissahickon Gorge and Cresheim Valley, Chestnut Hill is home to one of the best collections of 19th and early 20th-century residential buildings in the country.

Civil War and Underground Railroad Museum of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

History, Library, Military

The museum was founded by many Civil War veterans as they started collecting their mementos from the war. Eventually they moved the collection to its present site. We have objects ranging from Meade's uniform to Jefferson Davis' smoking jacket, field medical kits, weaponry, even the head of General Meade's favorite horse, Old Baldy!

Concord School Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion, Inc.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Fabric Workshop and Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Fireman's Hall Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Culture, History, Historic House, Library, Specialized

To preserve the history of firefighting and to encourage sound fire prevention practices.

Franklin Institute Science Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Friends of Independence National Park
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Germantown Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historical Society

Historic RittenhouseTown
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Historical Dental Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historical Society

Huguenot Society of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Independence Seaport Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Japanese House & Garden
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Botanical Garden

Johnson House Historic Site Inc.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Laurel Hill Mansion, Women for Greater Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Culture, History, Historic House, Park

Library Company of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Man Full of Trouble Tavern
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania~The
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Morris Arboretum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Arboretum, Botanical Garden, Children's, Library, Science, University

More than 13,000 labeled plants of over 2,500 types are growing in the Arboretum’s living collection. These include representatives of the temperate floras of North America, Asia, and Europe. This historic collection traces its foundation to John Morris’s interest in plants from around the world, and includes plants collected in China by E.H. Wilson at the turn of the century. Many of the Delaware Valley’s "trees-of-record" (the largest of their kind) are found in the Arboretum. Most notable are the katsura, Engler beech, Bender oak, and trident maple.

Mutter Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


National Archives - Mid Atlantic Region
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


National Museum of American Jewish History
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Old York Road Historical Society
Jenkintown, Pennsylvania

Historical Society

Painted Bride Art Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Philadelphia Doll Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Philadelphia Marionette Theatre Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Philadelphia Sketch Club
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


The Philadelphia Sketch Club functions as a regional arts education center offering life model and printmaking workshops, exhibitions, a library, archive, and study collection. The intriguing history and legacy of the Philadelphia Sketch Club lends a distinct atmosphere to the organization today and continues to flavor the organization's contemporary initiatives, making for an extraordinary experience for those who participate in the PSC's activities.

Please Touch Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Children's, History

Pomona Hall and the Camden County Museum
Camden, New Jersey

General, History, Historic House, Library

The Camden County Historical Society provides a research and genealogy library, two story Camden County Museum that interprets the history of Camden City and Camden County from the Lenape Indians to the present and Pomona Hall a historic, colonial mansion that was the home of the Cooper family. Originally built in 1726 and expanded in 1788 the home is furnished in period appropriate furnishings and tells the story of the daily lives of the Cooper family.

Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Ray Gun Museum~The
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Robert W. Ryerss Library and Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Art, Children's, Culture, History, Historic House, Library, Park

Rosenbach Museum & Library~The
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Roxborough Manayunk Wissahickon Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Culture, History, Historical Society, Library

We are caretakers of local history, art, and culture.

Shoe Museum~The
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Stephen Girard Collection
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Swedish Colonial Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Temple Gallery
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania

The Academy of Natural Sciences
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

History, Library, Nature Centers, Science

For 200 years, the Academy has connected people to nature. As Philadelphia's natural history museum, we educate visitors of all ages. Our scientists study evolution, biodiversity and ecology, providing information critical to understanding the natural world. These efforts are supported by a collection of 17 million biological specimens and a celebrated natural-history library.

The Athenaeum of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Center for Art in Wood
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Art, Culture, Library

The Center displays wood art on site and in our traveling exhibitions and publications. Our International Turning Exchange (ITE) residency program has involved over 100 international residents as it continues through its second decade. The Community Outreach program brings hands-on wood turning and woodworking experience to students throughout the region. The permanent collection contains over 850 objects from around the world, ranging from traditional functional every-day objects to contemporary sculpture. Our research library consists of over 25,000 images, artists' files and books that help preserve the exciting history of wood turning and woodworking and their continuing evolution as a contemporary art form.

The National Constitution Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Thomas Eakins House
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


United Am Ind of DE Valley
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


University Gallery, Boland Hall
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Wagner Free Institute of Science
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Woodlands Trust for Historic Preservation
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Wyck Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Adventure Aquarium
Camden, New Jersey

Aquarium, Children's, General, Natural History, Science, Specialized

Immerse yourself in our watery world and get ready to experience the life aquatic at the Adventure Aquarium on the Waterfront. Now you can get hands-on, up close and more interactive than you ever imagined with these creatures of the sea. In our Aquarium Adventures program you can swim with the sharks, train and feed the seals, or go behind the scenes with our adorable penguins. So, shake off your fear. Take a deep breath. And dive in for the adventure of your life.

American Flag House/Betsy Ross House
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historic House

American Philosophical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Art, History, Natural History, Science

Association for Public Art
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Art, Park

Over the years, the Association for Public Art (aPA) has commissioned, purchased, and placed an imposing selection of sculpture in various settings throughout Philadelphia.

Awbury Arboretum Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Belfield Farm at LaSalle University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Brandywine Workshop and Archives
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Dedicated to fine art printmaking and operates a lithography workshop and 3 galleries, which exhibit works on paper-prints,drawings, photographs, etc.

Carpenters' Hall
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historic House

CIGNA Museum and Art Collection
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Over 10,000 American fine and decorative art pieces; fire fighting and marine related objects; manuscripts.

Cliveden of the National Trust
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Deshler-Morris House
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Eastern State Penitentiary
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Elfreth's Alley Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

History, Specialized

Fleisher Art Memorial
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


The Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial is guided by the spirit of its founder, who first extended an invitation in 1898 for "the world to come and learn art." Samuel Fleisher's singular vision of high-quality, tuition-free art instruction continues uninterrupted at the Memorial.
Here, children from all economic and cultural backgrounds share in the commonality of the creative experience and the cultural diversity of the city.

Free Library of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Friends of the Wissahickon
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


German Society of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Germantown Mennonite Historic Trust
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Henry George Birthplace
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historic St. George's United Methodist Church
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Historical Society of Frankford
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historical Society

Horticulture Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Independence National Historical Park
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Institute of Contemporary Art
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


John Coltrane Cultural Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Klein Art Gallery at University Science Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Lemon Hill Mansion
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Botanical Garden, General, History, Historic House, Library

Historic Federal Style House Museum. Collection period 1800 = 1834 Philadelphia. Built 1800.

Lower Merion Historical Society
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania

Historical Society

Mario Lanza Institute and Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Moore College of Art & Design
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Moyamensing Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historical Society

Naomi Wood Collection at Woodford Mansion
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

National Liberty Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Children's, General, History, Historical Society, Library, Science

Located in the heart of historic Philadelphia, the National Liberty Museum is dedicated to defusing violence and bigotry by celebrating America’s heritage of freedom and the wonderfully diverse society it has produced. The Museum includes 76 exhibits, 179 works of contemporary art, and stories of 1,993 heroes within eight expansive galleries and adjacent spaces.

Old First Reformed Church
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Ormiston Mansion
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Paley Design Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Art, Culture, History, Historic House, Library

The American Craft Council Library & Archives maintains a comprehensive collection of print and visual materials on American craft. While focused on modern craft dating from 1940 to today, the collection also supports research in the related fields of design and applied and decorative arts.

Pennsylvania Hospital Archives
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Philadelphia Folklore Project
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Philadelphia Mummers Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Philadelphia Museum of Judaica
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Polish American Cultural Center Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Presbyterian Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historical Society

Print Club~The
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Richard Allen Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Rodin Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education~The
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Stenton Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Strawberry Mansion
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Temple Judea Museum of Kneseth Israel
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania

The African American Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


The Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Library, Specialized

In January 2002, The Balch Institute merged into The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The archival and library collections of The Balch have been fully integrated into the Society and relocated to 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. The building at 18 S. 7th Street is for sale. There are no exhibitions nor programs being staged at the 7th Street site. All operations and staff have also been relocated to 13th Street. The URL for the combined organization is and the contact phone number is 215-732-6200.

The LaSalle University Art Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


The Philadelphia Art Alliance
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


U.S. Mint-Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


University City Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historical Society

University of Pennsylvania Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Walt Whitman House
Camden, New Jersey

Culture, General, History, Historic House

In 1884, Walt Whitman purchased a modest, two-story frame house on Mickle Street for $1,750. It is the only house he ever owned. He lived there until his death in 1892, at the age of seventy-two. During his years in Camden, Whitman became a friend of the Philadelphia artist, Thomas Eakins. These two giants of nineteenth-century American culture found much to admire in each other's work. Each in his own medium broke with conventions, creating something new and distinctively American. Eakins photographed Whitman and painted his portrait.

Woodmere Art Museum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Zoological Society of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


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2025 Tennessee Association of Museums Conference: HOPE

March 11 - 14, 2025

Knoxville, Tennessee

Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens

March 29 - 31, 2025

Athens, Ohio

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference

March 30 - 31, 2025

Raleigh, North Carolina

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Washington, Arkansas



03/03 Thomaston Historical Society

Thomaston, Connecticut

02/26 American Visionary Art Museum

Baltimore, Maryland

02/26 Albin Polasek Museum and Sculpture Gardens

Winter Park, Florida

02/25 Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boca Raton, Florida