Last updated: 3/23/2011
728 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146
Allan Edmunds
phone: 215-546-3675
Stan Isaacson
Dedicated to fine art printmaking and operates a lithography workshop and 3 galleries, which exhibit works on paper-prints,drawings, photographs, etc.
Dedicated to the creation, documentation and preservation of fine art pritnamking and related media.
Founded in 1972 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Insitution has served over 350 nationla and imnternational artists with resiedncies and traveled exhibitions to 36 states and 35 foreign cities. Maintains a permanent collection/archives and has established satelite collections at The Philadelphia Msuuem of Art, Xavier University (NO), Wifredo Lam Contemproary Art Center, and the University of Dealwareamong others.
Brandywine is known for its Large collection of African American contemporary prints and works on paper. A Smaller collection of prints by Latino, Asian and Native American Artists compliments a unique diverse collection of Post Modern American printmaking that also includes Jules Olitski, Jacob Landau, Hanlyn Davies, Fred Wessel, Murray Zimiles and Kenneth Noland
Archives includes books, catalogs, preparation drawings, photographs, original notes and other materials related to the artists or printmaking.
Workshops, gallery tours and lectures for students are free. There is a small fee for adult workshops but not for other programs.
Access: Scholars
Appointment required: True
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