Last updated: 9/19/2008
7 Jason Street
Arlington, MA 02476
Tuesday - Wednesday, Friday
9:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Adults: $3.00
Children: $1.00
Doreen Stevens
phone: 781-648-4300
Rina Summers
phone: 781-648-4300
The Arlington Historical Society promotes and encourages knowledge of the history of the Town of Arlington from its earliest days (1635) to modern times. We preserve, document, and share Arlington history through exhibits at the Smith Museum, through conserving and offering tours of the Jason Russell House, an eighteenth century home and Revolutionary War battle site, and by hosting a yearly lecture series, school group visits, and academic and family researchers.
We recently opened an exhibition, "Family Ties: 200 Years of Arlington Town Life" to celebrate our town's 200th Anniversary.
Promote and encourage the knowledge of the history of the Town of Arlington and the preservation of its antiquities.
Disseminate historical information in the Town and elsewhere.
Preserve and operate the Jason Russell House, the Smith Museum, and The Society's collections.
Engage in other activities as may be permitted by the Articles of Organization when deemed useful by the Board of Directors of the Society.
Founded in 1897 to protect, collect and maintain artifacts and documents relating to Arlington, Massachusetts.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
Newsletter: Menotomy Minutes, 3x/yr
Menotomy Minutes
West Cambridge 1775
Jason Russell and His House in Menotomy
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