Last updated: 8/23/2022
110 4th Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
P O Box 16174
Albuquerque, NM 87191
Sue Turner
phone: 505-292-9833
Tom Baker
phone: 505-283-1952
We are now open - since May 1, 2021
This museum consists of 4 floors of exhibits, telephone switchboards and telephones as well as 4 audio exhibits in the original telephone building of 1906. Located in downtown Albuquerque it has displays and guided tours (if scheduled) that tell NM history, science, geography and inventions evolved in communications industry. Tours can be developed in each topic for ages from 8-80+ years of age. All group tours must be scheduled through the Chair of the Board, Tom Baker-505-238-1952.
The Gift Shop is open during Museum hours, offering a variety of New Mexico and telephone related gifts, jewelry and books.
Our purpose is to educate young and old alike to the history of the telephone in New Mexico and to preserve the legacy of the telephone people who built that industry in New Mexico.
To educate the public about the role of the telephone and those who built the industry in New Mexico.
The "Museum Room" was located in a telephone building but is now in the 1906 telephone building in downtown Albuquerque. Volunteers were involved from Bell System retirees and other interested parties. The Museum is an all volunteer organization.
Established in 1997 at its current location and is run by volunteers as a 501(c3) organization.
Switchboards, telephones, audio exhibits, photos gallery, display cases built-in and free-standing, and a resource center.
Telephones and switchboards and booths with five audios of historical events.
Telephone directories from 1916-current from almost every town in NM. Technical books, history books and diaries from telephone industry in NM. (by appt only--cannot be removed)
The building the Museum is housed in was designed by architect, J. L. LaDreir.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
Please have your tours scheduled with Sue or Rose at 505-292-9833 (Sue) or 505-803-0748 (Rose).
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