Last updated: 4/30/2010
7777 S Lewis Ave
Tulsa, OK 74171
Wednesday through Saturday from 1:30-4:30 or by appointment.
Roger Bush
phone: 918-495-6906
Dr. Catherine Klehm
phone: 918-495-6919
The Elsing collection includes over 3000 specimens of spectacular minerals, gems, fossils, native American artifacts, and oriental carvings. The carvings range from intricately sculpted ivory pieces to jade, open and even cork. Approximately 200 different mineral species are represented from regional Oklahoma varieties to rare specimens from around the world. Special exhibit rooms are set aside for fluorescent minerals and delicate carvings.
Are you eager to see some amazing rocks, gems, minerals, and other rare treasures? Well then prepare to discover a spectacular collection at the Oral Roberts University's Elsing Museum. Part of our collection contains minerals and rocks that were found in the Tri-State Mines. These mines are now closed, which makes visiting this museum an "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity.
The Elsing Museum provides a valuable resource for school activities, Interest clubs, and all who desire to learn more about rocks, gems, or minerals. Guided tours are offered for groups as well as for individual visits. The displays in the museum serve as an excellent supplement for classroom studies in geology, earth science, and other related subjects. Group leaders are encouraged to call the museum office in order to receive more information about planning a special visit.
Wllard Elsing opened a rock and mineral shop in Joplin Missouri in the 1950's building on the ore minerals of the Tri-State Lead and Zinc mining area. By trading and buying, he built his collection to span exquisite specimens from around the world. The Elsing Museum was opened on the grounds of University Village Retirement Home in Tulsa Oklahoma in the mid 1970's. Mr. ELsing lived on site and gave personally guided tours to anyone who came through the front door. In 2001, the collection was moved onto the ORU campus and is being organized to be an educational resource for the public.
South American Indian implements and Native American arrow and spear points.
Guided tours are provided for school groups.
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