Last updated: 3/7/2011
111 E. 1st Street
Tulsa, OK 74103
5 S Boston
Tulsa, OK 74103
9-5 Monday thru Friday.
Saturday by appointment.
Visit the Jazz Depot to learn of Oklahoma's rich jazz history and the arts programming dedicated to the youth of this state, as provided by "The Jazz Depot".
Musuem dedicated to the legacy of great jazz, blues and gospel artists from the state of Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame celebrates its 20th anniversary this year (2008) and we also celebrate our 1-year anniversary in our new location at the Jazz Depot - at 1st Street and Cincinnati in downtown Tulsa, Ok.
Master classes and music clinics for young musicians. Instrumental and vocal classes are taught in the Jazz Depot.
Sunday Concerts (at 5pm).
Swing Dance Classes on Tuesday (6-8pm).
Master classes and music clinics.
Access: Students, Scholars, Staff Only, Members
Appointment required: True
An online newsletter to those who register at the Jazz Depot website.
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