Updated: 7/1/2015
6650 Griffin Road
Davie, FL 33314
Tuesday - Saturday | 10 AM - 2 PM |
Judy Maxwell
phone: 954-797-1044
Kim Weismantle
Leslie Schroeder
Davie School Foundation was established in 1984 to restore and preserve Old Davie School, the oldest existing school building in Broward County. The school was designed by August Geiger in 1918 as the first permanent school in the Everglades and was used as a school until 1980. Working in partnership with Town of Davie, Soroptimist International of Davie and Davie Historical Society, the Foundation works to collect, preserve and interpret the history and cultural of the Davie Community. Old Davie School was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on March 29, 1988. The Viele House, c. 1912, and the Walsh-Osterhoudt Home, c. 1914, were relocated to the site in 2003-04 and will open as house museums of pioneer life in later 2007/early 2008.
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