Last updated: 7/20/2023
900 E. Princeton Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Tuesday - Saturday
10:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Adults $5
Seniors (60+) $4
Students with valid ID $1
Children ages 6-18 $1
Children under age 6 are free
Active military with ID are free
Members are free
Shannon Fitzgerald
Katherine Page
Emily McVeigh
Jay Owens
Linda Pereira
Rebecca Raia
The Mennello Museum of American Art was founded in 1998 by the City of Orlando with a generous selection of paintings by self-taught artist Earl Cunningham (1893-1977) donated from the collection of Michael and Marilyn Mennello. It's the largest collection of Cunninghams in existence and remains on permanent display. Tucked away on a picturesque shore of Lake Formosa in Orlando Loch Haven Park, the museum is housed in what was once the private home of Howard Phillips, son of philanthropist Dr. P. Phillips. A Smithsonian Affiliate, the museum also uses its gallery spaces to showcase changing exhibitions featuring American art of all genres and time periods, including originally curated and traveling shows. A lakeside sculpture garden is another attraction. The second weekend of February, the museum holds its annual Orlando Folk Festival.
The Mennello Museum of American Art endeavors to preserve, exhibit and interpret the museum's outstanding permanent collection of paintings by Earl Cunningham. The museum also seeks to enrich the public through special exhibitions, publications and programs that celebrate other outstanding traditional and contemporary American artists.
The Mennello Museum of American Art is owned and operated by the City of Orlando.
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