Last updated: 6/30/2011
Main Street
West Point, NY 10996
Tours depart from West Point's South Dock
Wednesday - Thursday
10 AM - 4 PM
Voluntary donations accepted.
Roddy Macleod
Constitution Island
phone: 845-938-3590
The lovely old house on Constitution Island was the home of the Warner family from 1836 to 1915. Susan and Anna Warner were well-known writers in the Nineteenth Century. Susan wrote The Wide, Wide World in 1850, which became a bestseller of its day. Anna is best known for writing the words to the hymn "Jesus Loves Me." The sisters taught Bible classes to West Point cadets for 40 years.
The oldest part of the Warner House includes a thick stone wall existing from Revolutionary War days. The Victorian wing of eight rooms was built by Henry Warner in 1836 when he moved his family from New York City to the island. The house is furnished with the original Warner family possessions. The Warner House is a living museum and is kept as nearly as possible as it was when Miss Anna Warner lived there until her death in 1915.
The site is owned and operated by the United States Army Garrison, West Point. Administration of the site is done by the West Point Museum and the Resident Manager.
Federal Historic Site.
Warner House is owned and operated by the Department of the Army, West Point, New York 10996
Access: Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
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