Last updated: 6/27/2022
227 Kable St
Staunton, VA 24407
P.O. Box 958
Staunton, VA 24402
Monday - Friday
10 AM - 4 PM
Sat and Sun by appointment
Arlene Nicely
phone: 540-885-1309
Brocky Nicely
phone: 540-885-1309
The museum offers exhibits of uniforms and equipment, videos, literary works, artifacts and memorabilia from the 92 years of the Staunton Military Academy's operation.
Dedicated to preserving the traditions and memories of those individuals who made up the Staunton Military Academy.
Established in 1884 in Staunton, VA, by Captain William H. Kable, Staunton Military Academy (SMA) served the young men of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the world for nearly 100 years. From its humble beginning with 75 cadets, enrollment grew to almost 700 in the early 1960s. The military protest culture of Vietnam and the severe recession in the early 1970s undermined enrollment and SMA like many others closed its doors in 1976 after educating more than 21,000 cadets.
Senator Barry Goldwater, President Ricardo Martinelli-49th president of Panama, William H. Blount-captain of industry and U.S. Postmaster General, and Brigadier General Frank Gailer-Vice Commander for 3rd Air Force Europe are a sampling of individuals influenced by SMA. The concepts of Truth, Duty, and Honor were not only a way of life during cadetship but became an integral part of their character after graduation. As prominent leaders, these individuals, in addition to countless other public servants, athletes, military and corporate leaders, artists, and musicians, have made an impact both in the U.S. and around the globe.
School artifacts and memorabilia
Our museum is located on the campus of the Mary Baldwin University in Staunton, VA 2560 square feet of displays and research materials.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
Gift Shop
Online Gift Shop
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