Several tours are offered that take into consideration the characteristics of a wide variety of disabilities. These tours are led by specially trained guides and include:
These tours are available by prearrangement for individuals or groups from the mental health community as well as those with Autism, Alzheimer's, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, or other unique perspectives. Themed tours are developed around the needs and interests of the participants and can focus on any aspect of the exhibitions, with appropriate touchable and visual materials to supplement descriptions and discussions.
Starting April 22nd, 2009, audio tours will present the opportunity to learn more about an exhibition, or take a self-guided tour of the space. You will be able to subscribe to our free audio podcasts for use on your mp3 player or you can borrow one of our iPods during your visit.
Tours of exhibitions are available by prearrangement for individuals or groups who are deaf or hearing impaired. Printed scripts of audio tours may be available by request.
At Urban Arts Space we seek students and volunteers who are interested in making a meaningful contribution to our mission. As a bustling center, all team members are expected to work well independently, take initiative, and be ready to learn and take direction. Most importantly, applicants should be passionate about fostering the arts and humanities...but you don't have to be an 'artist' to apply! Any high school, undergraduate, or graduate student is encouraged to apply for a position at the Space. You do not need to be a student to volunteer!