Last updated: 6/19/2021
139 Miracle Strip Parkway, SE
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
139 Miracle Strip Pkwy S.E.
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
May - September noon to 4:30pm. Historic Buildings open restricted hours.
June - August 10:00am to 4:30pm. Historic Buildings open restricted hours.
Adults $5
Children 4-17 $3
Under 3-free
Military & Seniors $4.50
Gail Lynn Meyer
phone: 850-833-9595
The City of Fort Walton Beach Heritage Park & Cultural Center consists of the Indian Temple Mound Museum, the Camp Walton Schoolhouse Museum, the Garnier Post Office Museum, the Fort Walton Temple Mound and a Civil War Exhibits Building.
Together these four museums and National Historic Landmark form a cultural center which presents the history of the Fort Walton Beach area from prehistoric times some 12,000 years ago, to the American Civil War, to the first school in 1912 through the close of the post office in the 1950's.
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