Museums in:

Bradenton, Florida

De Soto National Memorial
Bradenton, Florida


To convey to visitors an appreciation of the scope of DeSoto's expedition, the knowledge of the lands and peoples that was gained despite great hardships and the continuing frustration of the explorer's purpose and motives, and the impetus which the hard earned knowledge may have given to the exploration and the eventual settlement of the United States.

Gamble Plantation State Historic Site
Ellenton, Florida


Provide resource-based recreation while preserving, interpreting and restoring Florida's natural and cultural resources.

Manatee County Agricultural Museum
Palmetto, Florida

We are a museum that focuses on the agricultural heritage of Manatee County, FL. We do this through exhibits, tools, equipment, artifacts, photographs, art work, documents, and stories. We feature the primary commodity areas of fruits and vegetables, horticulture, citrus, commercial fishing, and livestock. We also have a Farm Shop & Garage and a barn that houses larger pieces of equipment. A permanent exhibit is the Manatee County Agricultural Hall of Fame.

Powel Crosley Museum of the Entrepreneur
Bradenton, Florida

History, Historic House

The purpose of the Powel Crosley Museum is to provide and educational environment in which current and future business leaders might learn and develop the characteristics and skills of those who have demonstrated the spirit of the Entrepreneur.

Sarasota Classic Car Museum
Sarasota, Florida


Located on U.S. 41 (also known as N. Tamiami Trail) in Sarasota, Florida, the Museum’s 60,000 square foot facility sits on 4 acres of land near such good neighbors as The Ringling Museum of Art and The Asolo Theater, home of the Sarasota Ballet Company. The SCCM is a Museum by day and a Banquet and Event Facility by night. A 4,000 square foot open-air garden Atrium in the center of the Museum is used for dining and dancing amidst the car collection. A gift shop filled with an eclectic assortment of collectibles rounds out the facility. The entire facility is "wheelchair friendly" and free wheelchairs are available for visitors.

The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature
Bradenton, Florida

Anthropology, Aquarium, Archaeology, Children's, History, Natural History, Planetarium, Science

The South Florida Museum is the largest natural and cultural history museum on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Under that same roof is also the Parker Manatee Aquarium, home to Snooty, thought to be the oldest living manatee in captivity at age 61. With Snooty, are manatees in rehabilitation for US Fish and Wildlife. The Bishop Planetarium is a digital planetarium which serves also as a multipurpose theater.

Palmetto Historical Park
Palmetto, Florida


The Palmetto Historical Commission is a non profit organization dedicated to the preservation of historic buildings, documents and artifacts. The Palmetto Historical Commission operates the Palmetto Historical Park in partnership with the City of Palmetto and the Manatee County Clerk of Circuit Court. The park is home to an 1880 post office, a 1920 schoolhouse, a 1900 cottage, a replica chapel, a military museum and a 1914 Carnegie Library. Manatee County and City of Palmetto residents help support Palmetto Historical Park.

Bradenton, Florida

Children's, History, Library, Specialized

Railroad Musemum preserving the railroad legacy of West Central Coast of Florida

State College of Florida
Bradenton, Florida

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Sarasota, Florida

Art, History, Historic House, Library, University

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art is the remarkable legacy of circus entrepreneur and collector of art John Ringling and his wife, Mable. The 66-acre estate includes the Museum of Art, the Searing Galleries, and the Chao Center for Asian Art featuring both permanent collection and temporary exhibition galleries and is the home of Joseph’s Coat, a skyspace by the artist James Turrell; the winter-residence of John and Mable Ringling, the Venetian-Gothic Cà d’Zan mansion; historic grounds and gardens; the 18th-century Historic Asolo Theater; and the Circus Museums, including the home of the world’s largest miniature circus at the Tibbals Learning Center.

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March 29 - 31, 2025

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens


Athens, Ohio

March 30 - 31, 2025

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference


Raleigh, North Carolina

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

Historic Washington State Park

Washington, Arkansas

April 5 - 8, 2025

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

Ithaca Downtown Conference Center

Ithaca, New York

April 6 - 8, 2025

Nebraska Museum Association 2025 Conference

Hosted by the Knight Museum in Alliance, Nebraska

United States



03/27 A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery

Fort Pierce, Florida

Museum Associations

03/27 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida