Browse Museums

Ballard Locks - Hiram Chittenden Locks
Seattle, Washington

History, Historic House, Historical Society, Military

The Locks & Ship Canal were built over 100 years ago as a Commercial Navigation Route to Develop the City of Seattle. The Locks still contribute over $1.2 Billion/yr. to the Seattle economy and are the Nation's busiest. However, no fees are charged and funding comes from the Federal Government (not Seattle).

Carpenter House Museum
Cle Elum, Washington

Historic House

Douglas County Historical Society
Waterville, Washington

Culture, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

Items used by Native Americans & pioneers of the late 1800s. Functional tools & articles that added music & culture. Outstanding mineral collection that includes petrified woods, fluorescents & locally found meteorites.

Duvall Historical Society
Duvall, Washington

Cemetery, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Library

Duvall Historical Society’s Vision is to: preserve, record, publish and promote appreciation of the history of Duvall, the community the pioneers knew as Cherry Valley, and the lower Snoqualmie Valley. We believe in the power of history and the preservation of our culture. Founded in 1976, the Duvall Historical Society publishes books on local history and sponsors regular programs for the public, including educational outreach at local schools.

Henderson House Museum
Tumwater, Washington

General, History, Historic House, Historical Society

As of October 1, 2011, the Henderson House is closed to the public for tours and services. The closure is slated for an undermined amount of time. During the closure, the City will take steps to create a furnished period home of the early 20th century within the Henderson House.

Jefferson County Historical Society
Port Townsend, Washington

Art, Culture, History, Historic House, Library

The heritage of Jefferson County is rich and diverse. The Jefferson County Historical Society Museum is located in the authentic Victorian seaport of Port Townsend, Washington. The Museum is located in Port Townsend's historic City Hall, dedicated in 1892. It occupies the original Police Department, Court Room, City Jail and Fire Hall. The Museum retains the character of this historic structure which still houses the City's Council Chambers. The Court Room with its original woodwork, the dramatic City Jail and the high-ceilinged Fire Hall all contribute to a feeling of history as one tours the Museum. The Museum honors the people of Jefferson County through its collection of artifacts, archives, oral histories, and photographs.

Lacey Museum
Lacey, Washington

History, Historic House, Historical Society

The primary mission of the Lacey Museum is to collect, interpret, and display historical materials that illustrate the history of the Lacey area in all periods of its development. In a changing community, the Lacey Museums works to preserve and interpret Lacey history and identity. Through exhibits, educational programs, and research archives, the museum tells the story of Lacey's past, present, and future.

Museum and Arts Center
Sequim, Washington

Art, General, History, Historic House, Library, Natural History

Join us in a walk through the evolving landscapes of the Sequim Dungeness Valley. See glaciers soils, the Manis Mastodon Exhibit, first nation artwork, maritime exhibit, artifacts of agriculture and dairy farms, the Victorian Cowan Room Exhibit, Veteran's Exhibit, as well as the rotating Art Exhibits and the Museum Store. Then continue on to Dungeness School, a Washington State Historical Site, to see the cir. 1900 School Exhibit. Annual events include the delightful Victorian Tea, Holiday Bazaar, Annual Doll, Dollhouse, and Miniature Show & Sale, and the Melodrama held on Lavender Festival weekend. The School is available for event rental. On your return to Sequim, five miles south, see the Captain Morris Home, and Washington Harbor School Site that have yet to be restored.

New Dungeness Lighthouse
Sequim, Washington

General, History, Historic House, Park, Science, Specialized

The New Dungeness Lighthouse was the first lighthouse completed in Washington Territory. It has operated continuously providing navigational aids to ships plying the waters of the Strait of Juan de Fuca since its lard oil lamp was lit for the first time on 14 December 1857. Originally, there were two full-time Keepers who lived in the Lighthouse. In 1904 a dwelling for the Officer-in-Charge was constructed east of the Lighthouse. Today this dwelling is known as the Keeper's Quarters

Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture
Spokane, Washington

Art, Culture, Historic House, Historical Society

The MAC is a regional and cultural hub located in the heart of the Inland Northwest. The Museum features engaging visual art, history and American Indian culture exhibits and programs for families, adults and school children.

Bigelow House Museum
Olympia, Washington

History, Historic House

Cheney Historical Museum
Cheney, Washington

History, Historic House, Historical Society

The Cheney Historical Museum presents our local history from the time of the first white settlers around 1869 through the growth and development or our region. We have a diverse collection of photos and artifacts of pioneer home life, schools, early farming, the tools of building our communities, and a look at the people and businesses that shaped our towns. Our collection of photographs and archive materials helps researchers of family and regional history.

Dr. Frank R. Burroughs Home
Ritzville, Washington

Historic House

Greater Kent Historical Society Museum
Kent, Washington

Historic House

Come visit our three story historic house built in 1908, filled with artifacts of local history. Our garden holds an artwork tribute to the Japenese-Americans of the valley and also a Blue Star memorial byway to honor our American Armed forces.' Museum.History='The Greater Kent Historical Society began in 1990 in a store front. By 1996 the society was in the 1908 Bereiter House due to a partnership with the City of Kent.

Historic Fort Steilacoom Association
Lakewood, Washington

History, Historic House, Historical Society, Military, Park

Four remaining officer's quarters of Fort Steilacoom are operated as a living history museum covering the active years of the fort from 1849-1868. Includes Interpretive center and store.

Kirkman House Museum
Walla Walla, Washington

Historic House

The Kirkman House is the only house museum in Walla Walla. William Kirkman was a gold miner from England who traveled America before he settled in Walla Walla. He became a cattle rancher and built his home in 1880. It has Victorian lady figurehead keyston

Lewis County Historical Museum
Chehalis, Washington

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society, Specialized

Located in the historic 1912 Northern Pacific Railway depot, this museum offers interesting displays depicting the early settlements and pioneer life in Lewis County, the oldest county in Washington State. Explore exhibits reflecting the area?s logging and rail history as well as a children's hands-on area.

Neely Mansion Association
Auburn, Washington

Culture, General, History, Historic House, Historical Society

Neely Mansion is a unique, Victorian farmhouse on the National Register for Historic Places. Built in 1894, it is a fine example of Victorian Classic Revival architecture. Both the pioneer Neely Family and ethnic tenant farmers are featured in our collect

North Clark Historical Museum
Amboy, Washington

Church, Culture, History, Historic House

The North Clark Historical Museum, encompassing the Lewis River basin, will share the area's historical legacy through renovation of the landmark 1910 Amboy United Brethren Church, providing educational opportunities for students, maintaining a point-of-interest for tourists, creating a multi-purpose facility, and encouraging active participation in all activities.

Olmstead Place
Ellensburg, Washington

Children's, History, Historic House

Historical farm house and cabin. Farm Machinery that is from the late 1800's and early1900's. School House from the early 1900's. The park is primarily interpretation and has a hands on area during tours so that children and adults alike can see how machinery worked back then.


March 31 - April 3, 2025

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

Historic Washington State Park

Washington, Arkansas

April 5 - 8, 2025

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

Ithaca Downtown Conference Center

Ithaca, New York

April 6 - 8, 2025

Nebraska Museum Association 2025 Conference

Hosted by the Knight Museum in Alliance, Nebraska

United States

April 6 - 9, 2025

Texas Association of Museums 2025 Conference Austin

AT&T Conference Center

Austin, Texas

April 27 - 29, 2025

Oregon Museum Association 2025 Conference


Independence, Oregon



03/27 A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery

Fort Pierce, Florida

Museum Associations

03/27 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida