Last updated: 3/30/2011
5517 Rugby Hwy
Rugby, TN 37733
P.O. Box 8
Rugby, TN 37733
Cheryl L. Cribbet
phone: 888-214-3400
Connie Phillips
phone: 888-214-3400
Rugby Colony National Register Historic District is a living historical village reflecting the life and times of founder Thomas Hughes' Utopian dream and the early settlers of the 1880's.
Historic Rugby works within a living historic community to (a) restore, preserve and interpret the cultural and natural resources and British Isles and Appalachian heritage of Rugby and the Cumberland Plateau region; and (b) achieve architecturally and environmentally appropriate new community development; for the educational and economic benefit of this and future generations.
Founded in 1880 by Thomas Hughes a British writer and socialist, Rugby was the last British settlement in the United States. The village has been restored where daily tours are available.
Museum Houses
Thomas Hughes Library - 7,000 volume Victorian Literature
Christ Church
Guided tours, Arts & Craft workshops, Festivals & Concerts
15 member Board of Directors
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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