Last updated: 10/4/2009
322 Concord Rd.
Sudbury, MA 01776
Mr. Lee Swanson
phone: 978-443-3747
Museum & offices are located on the Second Floor of the Sudbury Town Hall. We try to have one exhibit a year on the auditorium floor. Call ahead to ascertain what & when it is.
We remember the past, care for the present and build for the future
The Sudbury Historical Society was incorporated in 1956 as a 501-3c nonprofit corporation. In 1970 the Goodman Society (another Sudbury group with historical interests) transferred its assets to the Sudbury Historical Society. The town provides space in the Town Hall for the Society's offices, collections and meetings
Helene Sherman art works
Harry Rice Indian artifact collection
George Moore Civil War Papers collection
Ancient Document collection
Map collection
Diaries of Nelson Fairbank
Gertrude Rice colored drawings of wildflowers
1860 Friendship Quilt
Victorian clothing
Monthly Sunday afternoon programs are free and public. Generally they are at the Town Hall meeting room.
non profit corporation with a board of directors
Access: General Public
Appointment required: True
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