Last updated: 1/7/2011
1430 Johnson Lane
Eugene, OR 97403
1223 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday - Saturday
11 AM - 5 PM
The museum is closed Mondays and major holidays.
Museum members: FREE
Adults: $5
Seniors: (62 and older) $3
K-12 (18 and under): FREE
University/college students, University of Oregon faculty and staff with ID: FREE
Two-for-Tuesday, buy one regular priced admission and receive a second admission free.
Debbie Williamson- Smith
One of six museums in the state of Oregon accredited by the American Association of Museums, the University of Oregon’s Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art (JSMA) a premier Pacific Northwest visual arts center, features engaging exhibitions, significant collections of historic and contemporary art, and exciting educational programs that support the university’s academic mission and the diverse interests of its off-campus communities. The JSMA’s collections galleries present selections from its extensive holdings of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian icons, and American art. Special exhibitions galleries display works from the collection and on loan, representing many cultures of the world, past and present. The JSMA continues a long tradition of bridging international cultures and offers a welcoming destination for discovery and education centered on artistic expression that deepens the appreciation and understanding of the human condition.
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