Last updated: 6/12/2015
303 Willamette Street
Eugene, OR 97401
The Shelton McMurphey Johnson House is Eugene, Oregon's Victorian house museum. It is open for tours and available for rentals. On display are period furniture, glassware, and photos of historic Eugene, as well as changing exhibits.
The mission of the SMJ Associates is to preserve the heritage of the Shelton McMurphey Johnson House for the benefit of current and future generations by providing educational opportunities for the community by hosting events and exhibits that highlight the people and history of Eugene.
The SMJ house was built in 1888 for Dr. and Mrs. Shelton and their daughter, Alberta. Dr. Shelton died in 1893. His daughter, Alberta and her husband Robert McMurphey were married and moved into the house. Robert and Alberta raised their six children in the house.
The house underwent very few changes until 1912. At that time an upstairs bathroom, a sleeping porch and a stairway to and flooring of the attic were added. In 1915 the peaked roof of the turret was removed. In 1919 the Conservatory was enlarged to make a home office for Robert McMurphey. In 1944 the house was re-roofed.
In 1949 Alberta McMurphey died. None of her heirs was interested in keeping the house, so it was sold to Dr. Eva Johnson in 1952.
Dr. Eva Johnson and her husband Dr. Curtis Johnson restored the exterior of the house to its original condition and adapted its many large rooms for housekeeping rooms and apartments for tenants and themselves.
In May 1952 there was a fire which damaged the central chimney structure. The Johnsons had the damage repaired and undertook to restore, replace, and finish other portions of the house. The turret's peaked roof was reconstructed in resemblance to the original but with changes to its details and in the base configuration. Student tenants made other changes as they tried to either restore or customize their individual and common areas.
In 1975, after the death of her husband, Eva Johnson deeded the house and grounds to the Lane County Historical Museum, with the stipulation that she could live in the house until she died.
In 1977 the front porch foundations, floor, columns, railings and steps were restored and reconstructed.
Eva Johnson died in 1986. In her will she gave the house to the Lane County Historical Museum.
In 1987 Lane County formed a Task Force to make recommendations while the house was being managed by the Lane County Historical Museum. The Task Force recommended restoration of the house to make it available to the public under the direction of the Lane County Historical Museum.
A steering committee, the Society for the Preservation of the Shelton McMurphey Johnson House was formed. The first floor of the house became available for tours and rentals. The basement was remodeled for a caretaker's apartment.
In 1991 ownership of the house was transferred to the city of Eugene when Lane County did not have the funds to continue with plans for the house.
The City of Eugene established a Shelton McMurphey Johnson Advisory Board. The Advisory Board was charged to make plans for use of the house. This Board worked to make the first floor of the house handicapped accessible and meet safety codes (including a sprinkler system). They worked with a decorating firm to restore the first floor. They established a 501(c)3 nonprofit with a Board of Directors (SMJ Associates) to oversee the house. The Associates hired a House Director.
docent-led tours to guests
self-guided tour materials are available as well
First floor available for event rentals for up to 50 people. Kitchen facilities and free parking.
Access: Staff Only
Appointment required: True
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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