Last updated: 5/1/2008
229 SW G Street
Grants Pass, OR 97526
The Grants Pass Museum of Artis the city's primary resource for exhibitions and collections of fine art and has been for more than 24 years. Located in the heart of the historic old town, our galleries offer opportunities for learning, introspection and connection with cultures from around the world. Please browse our site, and when in town, come visit the museum.
Participation and education in the arts create a balance in our community that promotes individuality, camaraderie and a consciousness of our surroundings. The Museum's mission is to enrich lives by offering art experiences that stimulate the senses, intrigue the intellect and bring joy to the spirit. As a non-profit organization, our members, friends, volunteers and generous donors make all exhibits and programs doable.
Originally known as Gallery One, it was privately owned and located on 6th Street and consisted of a 20' by 24' upstairs room at the cost of $35 per month. In 1979 it was established as a non-profit art museum and renamed the Grants Pass Museum of Art. At the time of establishment, the GPMA was one of four art museums in the state of Oregon.
The museum then relocated to Riverside Park in an old Parks and Recreation maintenence building. More than 100 people worked to remodel the interior to a two gallery museum. In November 1998, the museum moved to it's present location at 229 S.W. G Street in downtown Grants Pass, a building which is currently on the Historical Registry. The 5000 square foot upstairs houses the museum while the 4000 square foot downstairs is leased to an Art Gallery and a business.
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