Last updated: 1/7/2012
1726 Washington St.
Oregon City, OR 97045
Sunday - Monday, Thursday - Saturday
11 AM - 4 PM
Monday - Saturday
9:30 AM - 5 PM
Gail Yazzolino
phone: 503-657-9336 x107
Kathi Mcmahon
phone: 503-657-9336
Kristin Krahmer
phone: 503-657-9336 x110
Clackamas Heritage Partners (dba Historic Oregon City) directs, integrates, and coordinates the development of new and existing heritage-based programs and initiatives within our community. We manage the Oregon State & Mt. Hood Territory Visitor Center at the End of the Oregon Trail and partner with the Oregon City Site Support Committee to preserve the City's historical sites and attractions. The Visitor Center offers travel assistance and brochures as well as local products and special events.
The Country Store is featuring new pioneer games, Oregon Trail journal kits, Jim Tompkins' Oregon City book and Susan Butruille's Women's Voices on the Trail. There are also Made in Oregon products including jewelry, souvenirs and candies.
The Oregon's Mt. Hood Territory Visitor Center Country Store is a great place to shop for the whole family. Specializing in goods made in Oregon, books on Oregon heritage and the Oregon Trail, pioneer games, bonnets and much more!
All items purchased at the Country Store directly benefit Historic Oregon City's mission to "preserve the heritage, educate the public, and interpret the history of the Oregon Trail, Clackamas County and Oregon City, the western terminus of the Oregon Trail." For pricing info or to purchase these items, call the Country Store at 503.657.9336 or visit us at 1726 Washington St., Oregon City OR 97045
Our volunteers share directly in the mission of Historic Oregon City, serving visitors and the local community at our various sites. They are involved in a range of activities that seek to preserve our heritage, educate the public and interpret the history of the Oregon Territory, Clackamas County, and Oregon City, the western terminus of the Oregon Trail.
"to preserve the heritage, educate the public and interpret the history of the Oregon Trail, Clackamas County and Oregon City; the western terminus of the Oregon Trail."
Historic Oregon City's focus is the history of the Oregon Trail, the Oregon Territory, Historic Oregon City and Clackamas County with special emphasis on the 1840s through the 1880s. Since our formation in 2004, we continue developing programs that create a more integrated and exciting heritage experience for visitors to our community. The collection, preservation and interpretation of the history and culture of historic Clackamas County remains integral to the organization's mission.
The artifact collection started in the mid-1980's and includes items from as early as 1810. The bulk of the collection is from the mid to late nineteenth century. Some artifacts of interest are two guns that came across the trail to Oregon, and a pump organ which travelled partially by wagon to Oregon.
School & Groups at the End of the Oregon Trail: Our focus is to give your students an interactive, hands on experience at the End of the Oregon Trail Center. Your visit to the Oregon Trail Center and Country Store includes an orientation to the Oregon Trail, displays and artifacts to view and read, along with 19th century hands on activities such as pioneer puzzles, dress up, and laundry. Your interpretive guide in period attire will share stories and information about the Oregon Trail and early life in Oregon City. End your visit with time spent on Abernethy Green playing pioneer games such as 'graces'and 'gunny sack races'. Enjoy your own sack lunches in our covered picnic shelter. School visit content is based on the Oregon Department of Education Content Standards for both 4th and 8th grades.
4th Grade Program: The group presentation given by a trained interpreter in period dress will include the following information based on Oregon State Education Standards for 4th Grade: Preparing for the Journey, Life on the Oregon Trail with an emphasis on children.
8th Grade Program: The group presentation given by a trained interpreter in period dress will include the following information based on Oregon State Education Standards for 8th Grade: The conflict between the US and Great Britain over the Oregon Country. Which classes and ethnicities traveled the Trail? What factors spurred immigration to Oregon, Manifest Destiny? Women's rights in claiming land.
Both programs will also enjoy activities such as: Candle Dipping, Puzzles and games familiar to mid 19th century people, Dress up clothes/laundry, Reading panels, Lunch in the sheltered picnic area, Master Gardener's program, Butter making,Pioneer games on the Green (weather permitting).
Cost: 1 hour presentation : $90 up to 20 people; additional cost is $4.50/person not to exceed 35.
2 hour presentation: $180 up to 20 people; additional cost is $9/person not to exceed 35.
We request your students are accompanied by one adult for every 10 students. Admission for accompaning adults is complimentary.
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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