Last updated: 10/28/2012
Mile 13.9 Knik Road
Wasilla, AK 99654
300 N. Boundary Street, Suite B
Wasilla, AK 99654
phone: 907-376-2005
fax: 907-373-9072
Diane Williams
Linda Frey
Located on the world-famous Iditarod Trail and housed in one of the two remaining buildings from Knik's original townsite, the Knik Museum features the Sled Dog Musher's Hall of Fame on the second floor. The museum building was previously used as a pool hall and roadhouse, and now contains a collection of clothing, dishes, furniture and artifacts from Knik's earlier days. Operated by the Wasilla-Knik-Willow Creek Historical Society.
This pre-Anchorage town buzzed with activity at its height but gradually became a ghost town due to the development of Anchorage and Wasilla. Operated by the Wasilla-Knik-Willow Creek Historical Society, The Knik Museum offers a glimpse into history. The surrounding area corresponds with the museum, as it exemplifies natural and historical terrain, untouched from the past.
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