Last updated: 1/14/2011
Milepost 52.6 Sterling Highway
Cooper Landing, AK 99611
P.O. Box 988
Kenai, AK 99611
Kimberly M. Dolchok
phone: 907-398-8867
Madelon "Maggie" Jones
phone: 907-335-0669
Walk in the footprints of time: Kahtnu, the Kenai River, tumbling and singing its way to Tikahtnu, Cook Inlet. The whisper and caress of winds passing through the branches of esni, ch'wala, and chug'eya; cottonwood, spruce and birch trees. Thrill to the call of dalika, ggugguyni, tskislagh; grandfather eagle, raven and sparrow. Watch them soar overhead, or flit from branch to branch; your trail companions for your walk in the footprints of time.
Your hosts are the Kenaitze Indian Tribe and the Seward Ranger District of the Chugach National Forest, working together to preserve, protect, and interpret important cultural and natural resources in the Cooper Landing area.
Cultural Interpreter's lead you on a walk in the footprints of time...along the turqoise blue river on a boardwalk that wraps around a site known as Sqilantnu by our Dena'ina ancestors, the "grocery-store" by our grand-parents. Today it's known as Cooper Landing. Listen for their voices, quiet, subtle, they too have a message to tell.
Governed by the Kenaitze Indian Tribe's Executive Council.
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