Last updated: 3/19/2011
90 S Main
Parowan, UT 84761
Parowan's historic "Crown Jewel", the rock church stands in the center of town square. Construction of the Rock Church began in 1863 and the work was completed in 1867. The Rock Church balcony was designed after the Salt Lake City Tabernacle. Over the years, the rock church has been used as a place of worship, town council hall, school building, social hall, and a tourist camp. The Rock Church was restored in the 1940's. Location: Town square between Center and 100 South on Main Street.
In 1993 the city began development of Heritage Park. This site includes a park, a grotto and pond, and statues commemorating the founders of Parowan. Other local historic sites include the original town square with the Old Rock Church, the War Memorial and Rose Garden, the Third/Fourth Ward LDS chapel built in 1915, and the Jesse N. Smith Home Museum. Parowan City supports the Parowan Community Theatre, which produces theatrical productions throughout the year.
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