Last updated: 1/5/2012
155 East Main Street
Price, UT 84501
Monday - Saturday
9 AM - 5 PM
see for admission rates, directions and other information
Dr. Kenneth Carpenter
phone: 435-613-5752
The USU Eastern Prehistoric Museum is an accredited museum exhibit facility with full-skeletal mounts of dinosaurs and Ice Age creatures, as well as baskets, pottery and clay figurines, a rotating exhibit gallery, classroom and children's exploration area. This institution is state and federal repository complete with Observation Labs where the public can view the curation and preparation processes and speak to the preparators in a one on one setting. Cell phone tours are also offered to enhance the educational nature of the exhibits.
Phone orders can be taken at the gift shop 800-817-9949.Tours are offered through our education department. Contact Lloyd Logan at
The Prehistoric Museum creates understanding and appreciation of natural and cultural processes that formed the geologic, fossil and prehistoric human records found in eastern Utah. We do this through educational and interpretive programs based upon our academic research, preservation programs, authentic exhibits, and the creative efforts of our staff and community.
Archaeology and Paleontology
Archaeology and Paleontology
The museum is dedicated to education of the public. The do this through exhibit content and cell phone tours. The museum houses a rotating art gallery. Tours are offered through our education department. Contact Lloyd Logan at
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