Founded in 1936, the Antiquarian & Landmarks Society (A & L), Connecticut's statewide heritage organization, promotes interest in historic properties by preserving and interpreting significant personal stories and collections. The Antiquarian & Landmarks Society owns nine historic houses opened to public. All are on their original sites and most have intact original collections.
Our Properties:
The Antiquarian & Landmarks Society owns and operates 9 museum houses in Connecticut, all on their original sites & most with intact original collections:
Bellamy-Ferriday House & Garden, Bethlehem, 203-266-7596
Butler-McCook Homestead & Main Street History Center, 860-522-1806
Buttolph-Williams House, Wethersfield, 860-529-0460
Isham-Terry House, Hartford, 860-522-1984
Hartford (offices), 860-247-8996
(Phelps)-Hatheway House, Suffield, 860-668-0055
Nathan Hale Homestead, Coventry, 860-742-6917
Amasa Day House, East Haddam, 860-873-8144
Joshua & Nathaniel Hempsted Houses, New London, 860-443-7949
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