58 West St
Windsor Locks, CT 06096
P.O. Box 733
Windsor Locks, CT 06096
James Anderson
phone: 860-623-0487
Joe Bonito
Ruth Bonito
This Museum is a work in progress the House has many old household items capturing the past as it was many years ago. The living area has oil paintings and music related items including a 1800's piano. Connecticut's and Windsor Locks own Governor Ella Grasso has many items of her political life on display in the parlor including many documents and her awards. The rooms have toys and Civil War rifles and many pictures of Windsor Locks Buildings and people. The Large Brick Barn holds many historic Farm tools and a underground Time Capsule containing items from 1976 is located in front of it.
Gladys Reed lived in this Farm house and in 1972 willed it to the town to be used as a 22 acre Park.
The Windsor Locks Newspapers from the 1800's
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