Last updated: 7/17/2011
4399 Pleasant Hill Rd.
Richfield, WI 53076
PO Box 268
Richfield, WI 53076
Lois Hessenauer
Kathy Weberg
The buildings in the Richfield Historical Park consist of a 1870s grist mill, 1860s farm house with outbuildings, log cabin, log barn, and timber frame granary.
The Museum Committee is focused on collecting and preserving artifacts typical of the Messer / Mayer Mill site and the Richfield area prior to 1950. These artifacts are used for displays at the Richfield Historical Park and for educational programs presented at the area schools. We also visit Senior Homes and Centers sharing our artifacts with them and enjoying the stories they share with us.
The Richfield Historical Society has enjoyed a strong and very motivated volunteer base from its inception. This has continued to grow each year. The majority of the work at the park is done by Richfield Historical Society (RHS) volunteers. RHS hires contractors only when their expertise is needed. In addition to the volunteers, RHS is supported with funding from private donations, area businesses, and the Village of Richfield. This combination has allowed us to achieve impressive results. RHS welcomes new volunteers. Special skills are not necessary. New volunteers, trained “on the job”, will learn how to use hand tools from the past that blend with the power tools of more modern technology.
The purpose of the Richfield Historical Society is to bring together those people interested in history, and especially in the history of the Village of Richfield (formerly Township). The Village of Richfield is located in Washington County, Wisconsin. Understanding the history of our community is basic to our democratic way of life, gives us a better understanding of our state and nation, and promotes a better appreciation of our American heritage.
The Education Committee is focused on making Richfield history interesting and exciting for young and old.
Our “Traveling Trunk” is on the move. We are ready to travel for the New Year. You or someone you know might be interested in viewing it. The Traveling Trunk contains items from the past. In its travels, it has shared items with schools, scout troops, and senior groups.
Our program on “Turn of the Century” advertising is appropriate for adult groups such as senior centers.
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