Last updated: 8/12/2021
1097 East 1500 North
Terreton, ID 83450
1551 N 1500 E
Terreton, ID 83450
Wednesday, Saturday
11 AM - 3 PM
Other times by appointment.
Trish Petersen
phone: 208-243-1942
Gathered and preserved artifacts from the 1800's until the present time. These artifacts are used to educate and celebrate our heritage. Special events and classes are offered to patrons.
Our aim is to gather and preserve the heritage of our past while instilling in the present generation a feeling of appreciation for their heritage.
Mud Lake was founded in the early 1900's as an agricultural community. Local residents had long spoken of “going to Mud Lake” when they were going to the Mud Lake Merc or the nearby businesses. The store had been named by its founder to show it was meant to serve the entire community and was located centrally in the area. The general store operated for several decades in the center of town. After being closed for many years, the Historical Society acquired the property from Charlie Braun, which we are very grateful for.
Did you know your donations to the Mud Lake Historical Society & Museum are tax-deductible? We are a 501-C3 non-profit organization staffed with all volunteers who spend countless hours preserving our history and promoting museum programs and events.
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