Last updated: 6/23/2011
212 East First Street
Jerome, ID 83338
P.O. Box 50
Jerome, ID 83338
Peg Roberson
phone: 208-324-3604
Linda Helms
phone: 208-421-6632
Jeffrey Cook
phone: 208-324-5641
Large amount of artifacts and information pertaining to the Japanese-American Internment camp at Hunt, Idaho. Information about the North Side Canal Company irrigation project. All issues (100 years' worth) of local newspaper: North Side News. Lots of other artifacts pertaining to Jerome County.
We are now moved into our new-to-us facility in the Oregon-Short-Line Railroad Depot Building at 120 East First Street, Jerome, Idaho.
To preserve the history of Jerome County and Southern Idaho.
Museum began in 1981.
Japanese-American Internment Camp items. Many other household items and school room items. Military clothing. Agricultural items.
All of local newspapers from 1909 to 2008 when newspaper stopped production. All Jerome County obituaries, most of high school annuals. Many pictures of early buildings and individuals.
Guided tours daily when open. No charge for school children to tour the museum.
Non-Profit Corporation. Board of Driectors. Elected officers from the community membership.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: False
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