Last updated: 9/8/2009
110 E. Main
Palouse, WA 99161
13201 SR 272
Palouse, WA 99161
The Roy Chatters Museum takes visitors back in time, to the life of a printer. Visitors can handset type, see the 1887 "finger snapper" press in operation, and appreciate the technological advancements in printing through explanations by a 7th-generation printer, who volunteers at the museum.
The museum was started in 1976, at a time when hot-lead equipment was being phased out and relegated to scrap iron heaps. The museum operated until 1996 when a city flood caused damage to the wooden floor. The museum reopened in 2003 after a massive volunteer effort repaired the building and restored its contents.
Whitman County Historical Society
Access: General Public
Appointment required: True
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