Last updated: 9/26/2020
703 West Pioneer Avenue
Montesano, WA 98563
703 W Pioneer Ave
Montesano, WA 98563
JoAnn Yost
Darrel White
The CVHS's mission is to maintain an association interested in the preservation of history for the lower Chehalis River Valley (eastern Grays Harbor).
In 1984, two young men, Randy Beerbower and Mike Clark, had a vision that the communities within the Chehalis Valley needed a museum to preserve the history of the area. As a result, the Chehalis Valley Historical Society was incorporated on August 27, 1984.
The first meeting of the organization was held on October 4, 1984, in Elma. The museum opened in the summer of 1985, in the old Rainier Bank Building in Elma Wa.
About two years later, the landlord tripled the rent, making it impossible to remain at that location. The museum later purchased the quaint, 1906 Scandinavian Lutheran Church at 703 W. Pioneer Avenue, Montesano, Wa., and reopened in its current location on March 19, 1988.
Museum Memorabilia includes: logging, farming, businesses, and schools. The Chehalis Valley historic logging operations are also given their place in the museum with sections devoted to Schafer Bros Loggings, Clemons Logging, as well as other logging pioneer companies in the area.
The museum has extensive collections of local family histories, local School history and their Almanac’s.
The Chehalis Valley Museum Board meets the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Museum. The board can be contacted via email.
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