The Western Gallery provides diverse experiences in the visual arts for its constituencies, encompassing the University community and region while providing a point of reference to the national and international art scene. Through historical, contemporary and experimental art exhibitions, through the outdoor collection of contemporary sculpture, through publications and through interpretative interdisciplinary programs, the Western Gallery is committed to creating an environment for learning. The gallery acts as a center for discussion and exchange of ideas on critical issues in contemporary art. The Western Gallery recognizes its role in expanding its audience's awareness of the visual arts as central to the dynamic and pluralistic nature of our society.
The Western Gallery has 4,380 square feet of exhibition space. Wall space varies from 250 running feet to 500, depending on the addition of portable, modular units. The gallery has full security and temperature and humidity control.
The Western Gallery Director acts as curator of the university's visual art collections. Primary areas are 19th and 20th century American and European prints and drawings, including the Helen Loggie Archives. The Chair Collection focuses on this type of 20th century furniture created by international designers. The Outdoor Sculpture Collection is a nationally famous, public art collection displayed throughout the entire campus.
The office of the Washington Art Consortium is located in the Western Gallery. A unique prototype for collaboration, the Consortium consists of seven major institutions: Western Gallery, a founding member, Henry Gallery of University of Washington, NW Museum of Arts and Culture (Spokane), Seattle Art Museum, Tacoma Art Museum, Washington State University Museum of Art (Pullman), and Whatcom Museum of History and Art (Bellingham). The Consortium owns three American works on paper collections and is currently creating a northwest art database.
Friends of the Gallery is a patron group which supports the activities of the Western Gallery and promotes the appreciation of contemporary art in Northwest Washington. Friends enjoy all activities at the Individual ($25.) and Family ($50.) membership levels. The higher levels of membership include: Supporting, $100; Sponsor, $500; Patron $1,000 and above.
In 1938 the Western Gallery began as the Studio Gallery, College of Education. In 1950 the Western Gallery was moved to the 2nd Floor of the Fine Arts Building when this new building opened. In the late 1980s a wing for the new Western Gallery was added to the Fine Arts Building.