Updated: 6/3/2018
The Choctaw County Historical Society (CCHS) was incorporated in 1977 for "the purpose of establishing a museum where historical artifacts can be displayed for the edification of the general populace to include school children." The Frisco Depot Museum was subsequently established in the old Frisco Depot and a public park in front of the depot (Frisco Depot Park) and an RV Park & Club House behind the depot were added.
The Choctaw County Historical Society obtained control of the Frisco Depot in 1978 and began its restoration to form the Frisco Depot Museum. Restoration began in the Harvey House Restaurant and progressed though out both floors of the old depot. Items of local and county-wide historical interest (artifacts, documents and pictures) are currently on display along with a miniature railroad, a miniature five-ring circus and a moonshine still.
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