Last updated: 5/12/2011
1270 8th Street
Wilson, OK 73463
Most of the artifacts in the Museum were actually used by individuals living in and around Wilson. In addition to artifacts, the Museum is very involved in preserving and recording the history of Wilson and the region. Microfilm copies of all Wilson newspapers in existence are located in the Museum. Obituaries of many Wilsonites and area residents are available. Additionally, articles are being collected and placed into albums about Wilson and area history. Visitors can read about/research individuals, organizations, and events contained in the albums in the Museum.
In addition to viewing the artifacts and perhaps conducting some research, visitors often comment on the restrooms, as the walls have been decoupaged with ads, articles and headlines from Wilson papers from 1915 to 1950.
The primary purpose of the Museum is to record the life and times of Wilson and the surrounding communities—such as Cornish, Dillard, Hewitt, Joiner, Oil City, Orr, Reck, Rexroat, Simon, Wheeler and Zaneis. Many of these communities were founded even before Wilson came into being. During the oil boom days Wilson was a trading center for those living in and around Wilson. The heyday of Wilson continued until after World War II; many of these surrounding communities have dwindled or even ceased to exist.
The Wilson Historical Museum is housed in the Dr. Darling/Wilson Post-Democrat building, built in 1926. The building was in a state of disrepair when it was taken over for the Museum in 1999. After extensive restoration and renovation, the Museum opened November 3, 2001. The Museum building is one of the oldest surviving early-day Wilson buildings. In addition, the building next door has been acquired for the Museum Annex.
Board of Directors elected by the Wilson Historical Society
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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