Last updated: 12/10/2012
102 Williams Street
Bridgeville, DE 19933
P. O. Box 306
Bridgeville, DE 19933
and on the first Sunday of each month
Sunday, Tuesday
9 AM - 12 PM
Groups can call for special openings.
Howard E. Hardesty II
phone: 302-337-8595
The Bridgeville Historical Society maintains a museum in the old 1911 fire house at 102 William St as well as a small tenant farmhouse behind it. Historical artifacts of Bridgeville and the Northwest Fork Hundred are displayed there.
Both structures are part of Lawrence M. Cahall,III Park which is also maintained by the Society.
The mission of the Bridgeville Historical Society is to collect, preserve, and share the history of Bridgeville and the northwest quadrant of Sussex County in order to educate present and future generations.
The Bridgeville Historical Society was founded in 1976 with approximately twenty members and has grown to over 200 members today. General meetings are held in January, March, May, September and November at St. Mary's Parish House on N. William Street.
Its two main fundraisers are an auction/social in late summer and "Christmas in Bridgeville" on the first Saturday in December.
There are no specific collections.
The Society is presently working to digitize its collection of general historical artifacts.
A traveling collection of "Minute of History" framed displays is available for loans to schools and civic groups. Other educational programs are arranged as needed.
Access: Staff Only, Members
Appointment required: True
Newletters are mailed to members quarterly. Extras are placed in public locations.
The Old Fire House Museum in on one floor with a 6 inch step at the door. Restrooms are not wheelchair accessible.
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