Last updated: 4/5/2012
203 E Main
Loudonville, OH 44842
203 E. Main St.
Loudonville, OH 44842
The Cleo Redd Fisher Museum serves the great Mohican area as a source for research, learning, and historical discussion. The museum provides the history of the communities, peoples, and cultures of the Mohican area. Exhibits range from detailed sources of information regarding specific events, persons, or businesses such as the Flxible Company and Charles Kettering, to more generic "period" rooms such as our Victorian parlor. The museum also operates the Workman Cabin in Central Park.
The Cleo Redd Fisher Museum of the Mohican Historical Society is to act as a center for the collection, preservation, and dissemination of information and artifacts regarding the history of the Mohican area.
The Mohican Historical Society was founded in 1961. In 1969, Cleo Redd Fisher passed away and willed her estate to the Historical Society which then built the Cleo Redd Fisher Museum on her property. The Museum was constructed in 1972 and completed by 1973. Since that time the Mohican Historical Society has held monthly meetings in the museum as well as opened the museum to the general public.
Artifact collections are extensive, including but not limited to:
Arrowheads and other Indian Artifacts
Flxible Company
inventor Charles Kettering
Early Tools and Furnishings
Rare Player-Piano-Organ
Military Uniforms and Accessories
Horse-Drawn Hearse
Carpentry and Farm Equipment
Loudonville & Perrysville Schools and Sports
Mohican Area Recreation
Area Industry, Etc.
Research collections include, but are not limited to:
Complete set of Harper's Weekly/Monthly publishings
Ohio Soldiers & Sailors Rosters
Flxible Company records
Charles Kettering records
Loudonville Times and earlier newspapers
Histories of Towns
Events in the Mohican Area, Etc.
The museum hosts guest speakers on a variety of topics for the following months: September, October, November, February, March, and April. Meetings are open to the public, and are usually held on the third Monday of the month at 7 PM.
The Cleo Redd Fisher Museum is governed by the Mohican Historical Society.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: False
The Museum does not have a proper gift shop, but does offer a small sample of books and publishings dedicated to local history.
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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