Last updated: 1/26/2009
1265 W. 4th St.
Mansfield, OH 44906
phone: 419-529-2573
phone: 419-529-2573
Visit the Mansfield Fire Museum and take a step back in time! From the bucket brigade to the horse drawn equipment, through the internal combustion powered equipment-- experience the history of fire service.
See a reproduction of a turn of the century Fire Station. Hear the antique alarm bell that alerted the firemen and you can almost see the horses leave their stable to be hitched to the hose wagon.
With the purchase of the former Five Cousins Department Store in 1989, the Museum has a home. After two years of basic building repairs, work on the Museum began in earnest.
Although progress seemed slow, especially after a few minor set backs, the Museum opened October 12, 1994.
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