Updated: 2/10/2012
Warren G. Harding launched himself into the White house in 1920 with his famous "front porch" campaign, which he conducted from his Victorian home in Marion, Ohio.
The restored house was built in 1891 and contains almost all original furnishings owned by President Harding and his wife Florence. The library was renovated in 2005. Adjacent to the Harding Home is a press house used during the 1920 campaign which now serves as a museum dedicated to President and Mrs. Harding's lives.
The Harding Tomb is a circular monument of white Georgia marble containing the remains of President and Mrs. Harding.
The monument, set in 10 acres of landscaped grounds, is similar in appearance to a round Greek temple. The simple Doric features and spacious surroundings combine to create one of the most beautiful presidential memorials outside Washington, D. C.
The Harding Tomb is at the corner of State Route 423 and Vernon Heights Boulevard in Marion. Vernon Heights is about 1-1/2 miles west of U.S. Route 23 off of State Route 95 in Marion County.
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