Last updated: 12/6/2010
Route 390 and Sand Springs Road
Cresco, PA 18326
PO Box 358
Mountainhome, PA 18342
Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday
1 PM - 4 PM
Close after Columbus Day. By appt. 570-595-6157
The Cresco Station Museum: The society has regular programs at the Cresco Station Museum. From Memorial Day to Columbus Day, there is a monthly performance by local muscians and an Ice Cream Social. The museum is also the site of an Art's and Craft's Exhibit on the second Sunday of each month. Local Artists and Crafters display and sell their work. Exhibits change periodically.
Special Events: The Society holds several special events during the year. These include a Strawberry Festival in June, a Chicken Barbecue in September or October, and a Lantern Tour with carol singing at the Cresco Station Museum. The museum is decorated for the holiday season at the Inn Tour. Information is available on the Strawberry Festival, Chicken Barbecue and Lantern Tour.
Monthly Meetings: The Society has a monthly meeting which is held the third Friday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Mountainhome United Methodist Church. Following a short business meeting, a scheduled speaker covers some aspect of local history. The June meeting is a field trip to a place of historical importance, the location is usually within one hour drive. The July meeting is held on the second Friday to avoid conflict with the annual Antique Show and Sale at the Mountainhome United Methodist Church
We have a children's corner and have tours if wanted.
The mission statement of the Society is to promote the history of Barrett Township and surrounding area. The service of the Society is dedicated to educating diverse audiences through a variety of resources and programs.
We are located in the Cresco Railroad Station built in 1880's. We will help with genealogy and have a small local history library.
We change out exhibits frequently. We have art shows on 2nd Sunday or the month, when open. We have entertainment on the last Sunday for the months of June thru Sept.
Civil War Memorabilia. Old Schools, replica of an old country store. Railroad memorabilia.
We have a children's corner and have tours if wanted.
Quarterly newsletter for members. Some issues available at museum.
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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