Last updated: 2/13/2012
1755 Creek Road (Old Route 100)
Chadds Ford, PA 19317
P.O. Box 153
Chadds Ford, PA 19317
Susan Minarchi
phone: 610-388-6545
Chuck Ulmann
Step up to the wooden porch of Chris Sanderson's country home and tour eight rooms filled with over 200 years of American history. The Sanderson Museum has a rich collection of objects relating to life in Chadds Ford as well as an extensive collection of memorabilia representing the American experience. Visitors to the museum will uncover artifacts from the Revolutionary War, Civil War, both World Wars and learn about the Battle of Brandywine along with other local lore.
Chris and the Wyeth Family shared a love of the Chadds Ford area. See original sketches and paintings from N.C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, Peter Hurd and other Wyeth family members. The Sanderson Museum represents a man's life and a nation's history
The personal context of the Sanderson museum collection brings new life to the characters and events of American history. Just as the Internet is heralded for its ability to bring the world to anyone's neck of the woods, the Sanderson Museum is like a time machine, bringing the world’s most distant lands and history's most grandiose events and figures right up to the museum visitor. It is a time and place machine, presenting the world’s most distant lands and history’s most grandiose events and figures, and drawing them down to the eye level of the typical visitor.
Chris' fascination with history and the importance of the "living records" of history has culminated in a collection of archives, memories and actual physical remains of days long gone but, thanks to Chris, days well remembered.
The Christian C. Sanderson Museum welcomes children of all ages. There is so much to see and do. Take your child on a scavenger hunt through the museum.
Attention Scouts! A visit to the museum can help you fill requirements for your achievements, try-its, or badges. Below is a list of some of the potential opportunities.
The Sanderson Museum is run by volunteers just like you! We are people who are interested in history, delight in talking to other people, have a bit of the "pack rat" in them, and want to touch a moment in time. If you are interested in volunteering your time and/or talents, call 610-388-6545 or email to join our volunteer family.
On your visit to the Sanderson, you will find many items for purchase. You may also complete one of the order forms and mail it to Sanderson Museum, P.O. Box 153, Chadds Ford, PA 19317.
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