Last updated: 5/29/2009
17 Madison St.
Rochester, NY 14608
Deborah L Hughes
phone: 585-279-7490
The Susan B. Anthony House was the home of the legendary American civil rights leader during the most politically active period of her life, and the site of her famous arrest for voting in 1872. Come visit through the Virtual Tour, browse through the extensive selection of merchandise in our gift shop, and learn about our ever-expanding programs. Best yet, come see us in person! With such an incredible and inspiring story, you won't be disappointed!"
The Susan B. Anthony House shares the story of Susan B. Anthony’s lifelong struggle to gain voting rights for women and equal rights for all. We keep her vision alive and relevant by preserving and sharing Anthony’s National Historic Landmark home; collecting artifacts and research materials directly related to her life and work; and making these resources available to the public through tours, publications, the internet and interpretive programs.
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