Depot Lane
Schoharie, NY 12157
P.O. Box 554
Schoharie, NY 12157
Weekends -From Memorial Day Weekend to Columbus Day Weekend. Hours-12P.M. to 4P.M.
Adults - $3.00 Children under 18yrs. free.
Jean H Harra
phone: 518-827-4680
Peter Ferguson
phone: 518-827-7640
Deborah Taw
phone: 518-295-7505
The Schoharie Valley Railroad Museum is one of the few short-line yards that have preserved their original bldgs. that were in use during the SVRR,s tenure.Most railyards did not preserve these artifacts, and the few that are still around are disappearing at an alarming rate. Rail fans all over this country are scrambling to record these structures in photos, but we are determined to main-tain and save our precious history.
The Schoharie Colonial Heritage Association (SCHA) was formed in 1971 to acquire and preserve certain historical sites in and around the Village of Schoharie. One of these sites was the abandoned R.R.bldgs. on Depot Lane. These bldgs. had not been in use since the demise of the railroad. They consist of a station house,freight house/engine house, weigh station, creamery and old mill. All of theae bldgs. are open to the public, including an historical passenger car.
Railroad items pertinent to the operation of a rail-road, Particularly those connected with the SVRR and the Delaware and Hudson R.R. There are several rail cars on the premises, including an historic D@H caboose whose restoration was completed by the volunteers of the SCHA and the Bridge Line Hist. Society and an historic combine from the railroad which has also been restored.
Primarily old photos of the yard,buildings and steam engines from the SVRR and the Middleburg and Schoharie RR which connected to our line. Both ran thru the valley and met the D@H line to Albany. We also have the only presently known book written on the SVRR and it is available for purchase for a small sum.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: False
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