Last updated: 3/5/2018
102 East Main St.
Prattville, AL 36067
B. Robin Mcchesney-Hughes
The Heritage Association was born out of a sense of collective guilt some time after the Daniel Pratt mansion was leveled. After more than a decade of regret at having lost forever one of our most treasured of historic homes, the Prattville Study Club, then a group of 50 women, initiated the establishment of a county historical society. In 1976, our nation’s bi-centennial year, the Autauga County Heritage Association’s first president, Evelyn Striplin, was elected from among the 309 charter members of the association.
Today, the work of this charter group lives on in the preservation of such historical sites and structures as Pratt Cemetery, Slaton House, The Robinson-Smith House, Buena Vista and our own Heritage Center- the McQueen Smith Rice House- located in the heart of historic downtown Prattville.
Sponsored by the Autauga County Heritage Association, the museum is dedicated to historical preservation of Autauga County. Exhibits feature Daniel Pratt memorabilia, local family history, Civil War room and county artifacts. There is also genealogy information access available.
The Prattaugan Museum is filled with a varied collection of artifacts and objects pertaining to Autauga County; a county that is one year older than the state of Alabama. You will also find an extensive archive in our museum where visitors are welcome to research family histories and other historic documents.
This display includes a large WWII plaque with the names of gin shop workers who went to war, actual fragment bombs that were produced at Continental Gin Company in Prattville, along with information on the women who built them. The WWII display is highlighted by the "E for Excellence" award given to Continental Gin Company, by the Bureau of Ordinance, for their excellence in production. There are several photographs, war ration cards, telegrams, and newspaper articles.
Visit us often to find out the latest happenings within the Autauga County Heritage Association and new exhibits in the Prattaugan Museum. We receive new items throughout the year and are always working to get them on display. If you are interested in assisting our museum staff and volunteers, come join us.
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