Last updated: 2/28/2020
2100 Bridgeway
Sausalito, CA 94965
Tuesday - Saturday
9 AM - 4 PM
Sunday - Monday, Saturday
10 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday - Friday
9 AM - 4 PM
Sunday, Saturday
10 AM - 11:59 PM
Susan Searway
phone: 415-332-3871
The Bay Model and the Bay Model Visitor Center is a research and education facility built and managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Inside is one of the most fascinating scientific tools you'll ever see: a working hydraulic model of San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta Systems; simulate tide, currents, sediment movement. Used by scientists and engineers.
What makes the model special is that its pipes and hydraulics make it a real simulation of the water environment of San Francisco Bay and the Delta. There are no glowing Disney-esque cityscapes, just a highly accurate physical model that can be used to simulate the effects of everything from oil spills to upstream dams, and from water diversions to floods caused by global warming.
The Bay Model provides a variety of public events and educational programs each month. Please check out our website and events listed on this site for more information.
There is a regular cycle of special events and presentations. Tours are available for groups with advanced reservations, and can be tailored to the technical sophistication of the group. The Corps of Engineers also makes the Visitor Center available to scientific and educational groups for meetings and seminars under a set of written guidelines
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
Free parking in lot.
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