Last updated: 12/28/2011
25151 Serrano Road
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Guided Tours: Tuesdays-Thursdays: 10:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 2:15 p.m. Self-Guided Tours: Friday-Sunday: 10 a.m. - 4:30 pm.; Friday-Saturday: 12:00 p.m. - 4:30 pm Sundays CLOSED MONDAY
free, $3 for living history class, $2 for hands-on tour
Heritage Hill Historic Park consists of Serrano Adobe, the Bennet House, El Toro School and St. George's Church. These four structures span from early Mexican ranchos to the beginning of the citrus industry in Orange County.
antiquities, archives, costumes, furniture, historic site, history, prints/drawings
children's classes, hands-on workshops, living history program, research, guided tours
parking, wheelchair access, vi
free parking
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