Last updated: 5/31/2021
301 East Park Avenue
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Wednesday - Friday
1 PM - 4 PM
Admission is with guided tours given on the hour. Closed in August. Group tours are available at other times by appointment.
Donations gratefully accepted.
Group tours for $1.00 per person.
Beatrice Cotellis
Ivy Rieger
phone: 229-377-9103
Janessa McGowens
phone: 850-922-2459
The Knott House Museum contains permanent and rotating exhibits on Tallahassee’s past. The house reflects local history through the lives of the William and Luella Knott family and friends. Learn about Mrs. Knott’s poetry, Mr. Knott’s politics and their son Charlie’s quail hunting expeditions as you tour the home. Although, the house was built in 1843, it has been restored its 1928 appearance. Open Wednesday-Friday 1:00 - 4:00, Saturday 10:00 - 4:00. Free admission.
To preserve, collect, and interpret the Knott House, its owners, and its contents as they relate to the history of Tallahassee, Leon County, and Florida in the years 1843 through 1985. Primary focus of public interpretation is the period 1928 through 1941.
Call to reserve handicapped parking in staff lot.
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