Last updated: 3/5/2015
11611 Jasper Road
Erie, CO 80516
The Erie Historical Society was founded in 1984 to preserve Erie, Colorado's history. We honor those hard working pioneers who mined the coal, worked the fields and ran the railroads, as well as the pioneer women who raised the families and educated the children.
CELEBRATES Erie's history with events like Erie Biscuit Day which held each fall, honoring a similar event held by 19th century residents to welcome the fall and celebrate the workers? return to the mines.
EDUCATES through projects like the Wise Homestead Museum, to commemorate early homesteaders and through partnerships with community members. Historic talks by local historians and lecturers provide a glimpse back in time and reveal remarkable stories about the people who settled in our region of Colorado.
PRESERVES the area's rich history through projects like the Wise Homestead Museum, at 11611 Jasper Road. The two-story Western Victorian farmhouse was built by Erie settler O.E. Wise in 1870 and has been restored by local and state Historical Societies. The Wise Homestead Museum is currently open Saturday ( May through October ) from 10am to 2pm or year-round by appointment. To schedule a visit please call 303-828-4568.
The purpose of this soicety shall be to bring together those people interested in history especially the history of Erie, and to bring about an appreciation of the heritage of the American West. It will collect and preserve artifacts of the period and shall provide educational programs illustrating life in the early 20th century. It shall preserve and disseminate printed historical material regarding the community.
Understanding the history of the community is basic to our democratic way of life, gives us a better understanding of our state and nation and promotes a better appreciation of our American Heritage.
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