Last updated: 12/19/2014
17 Meeting House Lane
Southampton, NY 11968
January Closed
Wednesday - Saturday
11 AM - 4 PM
Always Closed Monday & Tuesday & Holidays
In 2012 the Rogers Mansion Museum Complex, with 12 historic buildings, was awarded a unique designation on the National Register of Historic Places. William Rogers purchased the property in 1648 which was owned by a Rogers descendent until 1880. In 1899 the dwelling was purchased by Samuel Longstreth Parrish; an attorney from New York City, summer colonist, and founder of the Parrish Art Museum.
Later, in 1952 the Southampton Colonial Society leased the house and grounds and began restoration. The house is filled with furnishings donated by members of the Southampton community and date mostly from the Victorian (1837-1901) and Edwardian eras (1901-1910).
On the grounds behind the mansion is Old Southampton Village with historic structures collected from different areas of Southampton. They include a 19th century paint store, a blacksmith’s shop, a cobbler’s shop, a one-room schoolhouse, and a colonial era barn that was seized by British soldiers to lodge their horses during the Revolutionary War.
The Rogers Mansion contains an extensive research library and archives dedicated to the history of Southampton and its surrounding areas. The library currently contains over 800 volumes and the archives include a wide range of subjects from account books to family memorabilia. Come explore our research center and with the help of a research assistant see what you can discover.
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