Last updated: 11/27/2013
3121 Beacon st.
North Chicago, IL 60064
private tours are always booked ahead
Monday - Friday
1 PM - 9 PM
We give tours for any one who wants to know about the history of tattooing.
Inspired by the collection of C.W. Eldridge and Harriet Cohen of the Tattoo Archive in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Modern Tattoo Ltd. is proud to present Pops Collection: An Exhibit of American Tattooing. Since 1967, Pops has been collecting tattoo memorabilia and documenting the unique history of this often overlooked art form and important aspect of American history.
educating people about the history of tattooing
Modern tattoo has been at the same location since 1987 the museum collection dates back to the 1900's. Our collection covers most of the tattooers of that era.a very large collection of august
cap coleman is here.
Coleman, Rogers ,Sailor Barny,Rex Bennett ,Sailor Jerry, Lyle Tutle
many more.
We have inhouse printing. We are publishing our first book title
"The Collection", the second title "The Lost Ladies of Coleman," author Kathy Maguire
Lots of space to walk around and enjoy your self
the collection
the lost ladies of coleman
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